Mit Gültigkeit zum 01.01.2024 wird Regel 9.12 angepasst, wodurch das korrekte Tragen eines schnittfesten Halsschutzes in der DEL verpflichtend wird.
Sollte ein Spieler keinen Halsschutz oder den Halsschutz inkorrekt tragen, so werden zunächst beide Teams verwarnt. Bei folgenden Verletzungen der Regel erhält der Spieler eine 10-minütige Disziplinarstrafe.
Die Einhaltung der Regel kann auch nachträglich überprüft und Verstöße mit Geldstrafen sanktioniert werden.
Der Wortlaut der geänderten Regel, gültig ab dem 01.01.2024:
For all players, it is mandatory to wear, in a proper way, a neck laceration protection made of cut resistant material for their safety.
The On-Ice Officials will respond appropriately if a player on the ice is not wearing their neck laceration protection in accordance with the rules. The Game Officials will then take the offending Player to the appropriate Player’s Bench and issue a warning to the Team through the Coach. The Game Officials shall also inform the other Team and warn them as well. Both teams are now warned that Players are requested to wear their neck laceration protection properly. The next Player found not to be wearing the protection equipment in accordance with the rule shall be penalized with a ten minute (10′) Misconduct Penalty.
A Goalkeeper may attach a throat protector to the chin of their facemask. It must be made of a material that will not cause injury.
Der Wortlaut der alten Regel, gültig bis 31.12.2023:
All players are recommended to properly wear a neck laceration protection. This protective device is recommended to cover as large of an area as possible on the player.
A Goalkeeper may attach a throat protector to the chin of their facemask. It must be made of a material that will not cause injury. Players who play in senior categories but are of the age as “Under 18” categorie must wear the neck laceration protector.
Wenn das korrekte Tragen von Schiedsrichtern (Fachleuten) wie z. B. Herrn Gofman und Herrn Kopitz bewertet wird, na dann gute Nacht